회사소개 제품소개 온라인문의 고객센터

작성일 : 18-05-15 15:34
 글쓴이 : taehwatool
조회 : 4,701  


Quality Tools with Reasonable Prices!

TAEHWA cutting tool manufacturing opering began years ago.
At the beginning, the most advanced and time honored technical
data of pratt & Whitney, United states of America, were adapt-ed
under the license and technical agreements.

Now, TAEHWA has developed sufficient technical ability manufac-turing
the finest precision cutting tools in the industry, utilizing
the most effective design-based on turing reserch, the finest
materials and heat-treating processed as well as specialized
methods of performance-testing and performance-analysis.

We are striving for further reserch and development in order
to maintain reliance on tools.

This bilingual catalog has been published to show the standard,
and a few of the special, precision cutting tools developed and
stoked by TAEHWA for the broad range of manufacturing
machinery to meet the requirments of domestic and abroad.

Main Office and Factory
A-6 Changwon Industrial Complex
Changwon, Korea

홈페이지 : 이메일 : admin@domain


하단로고 [ 본사 및 공장 ] 경남 창원시 의창구 평산로 78번길 21(팔용동) | TEL : 055)264-9696  | FAX : 055)264-8943
[ 서울지사 ] 서울시 구로구 구로중앙로197,18동106호(기계공구상가) | TEL : 02)2686-3536  | FAX : 02)2686-3537     Copyright ⓒ All Rights Reserved.